Intracom S.A. Telecom Solutions is committed to the highest standards of openness, professional integrity and accountability. An important aspect of accountability and transparency is a mechanism to enable employees in INTRACOM TELECOM group of Companies ("the Company") as well as other interested parties, such as consultants, customers, suppliers and partners, to voice concerns about wrongdoing or serious malpractice that affect the Company, in a responsible and effective manner. Non-disclosure of confidential information about the Company's affairs is a fundamental term of the Company's contracts with its employees as well as with the other contracting parties that are mentioned above. Nevertheless, where an individual discovers information which he/she believes shows serious malpractice or wrongdoing within the organization then this information should be disclosed to the Company without fear of reprisal.
There are three available whistleblowing channels through which such concerns/allegations can be expressed (via telephone, email and post):
Intracom Telecom hereby states that the personal data of whistleblowers and of any other parties involved that is obtained during the investigation of the concern (including any sensitive data, such as racial and ethnic background, religious and philosophical beliefs, political opinions, membership in political parties or trade unions, and personal data indicative of a person's health and sexual orientation) will be processed in full compliance with the provisions of EU current legislation regarding the protection of personal data.
Employees should refer to the Whistleblowing policy published in the internal portal of the Company